How To Get Unlimited Monthly Data Subscription

The world today is already a global village courtesy of internet and the internet is powered by Data.

What oxygen is to human is what Data is to internet. In fact data is life. Just the way cars can't move without fuel is the same way internet can't work without Data.

The rate at which people use the internet is increasing geometrically on daily basis. Without data, one can't use Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, search the internet and without data you can't be reading this Post.

In developed countries like America, UK, Canada, etc the government has already subsidized the rate of data but in Africa and developing worlds, the rate of data is very expressive and most times such data finish too quick.

Most times a monthly data subscription only last for a week or less.

In this article I will be telling you how to make your monthly subscription actually last for a month without being exhausted.

This Post is for smartphones users especially Android users.

If you are tired of seeing your monthly subscription finish in weeks or days then pay close attention to this. this trick will help you save a lot of money.

Let's Get started.
Requirements for this trick
1. Android 5.1 or higher
2. Permission to usage access
3. A monthly subscription of any amount of your choice.

Steps to set up unlimited monthly subscription
1. Go to Google search and install 'datally' or you can install it directly Here.
2. After installation give all the necessary permission.
3. Once you have set up everything, you can choose to;
- set daily data limit: set the app to block your data once you have reached your daily limit. With this, your monthly subscription will last up to a month or unlimited.

- set aside data for emergency: If you are scared your data might be exhausted while you have important assignment you wish to use data for, you can use this feature to set up Data for emergency usage.

- block some apps consuming much data: With 'datally', you can see list of apps consuming your data. You can block such apps from using your Data.

- Stop data when sleeping: this app enables you set timer and bedtime hours. Within these times, data won't be activated.

Thanks for reading. Remember to subscribe to this blog for more Tech related updates. Share this Post on all social media to help others save data and money.


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