How To Operate Your Android Or IPhone Without Touching It

Hello wonderful readers welcome to this interesting post. I will be teaching you how to control your Android and smartphones without having to touch it. Yeah, without touching it.

I know most of you will be wondering how is it possible to do it but i want to tell you that it is possible and many people are already using it.

At times you might be very busy and your hands are dirty which will prevent you from either making a call or answering a call or better still may be you want to watch a video, play music but your hands are busy at the moment and you just wondered how you wish you could command your phone without touching it but you do not know how.

Without wasting much of your time, i will teach you steps below to felllow in order to operate your phone without touching it.

Tools you need for this operation to work.

1. Android phone with 5.0 version and above, Iphone of higher version

2. A working mouthpiece to be used speaking in your phone (Your phone's mouthpiece can do)

3. An updated Google Voice command for Android and Siri for iPhones

4. A working internet access

Steps to follow in setting up your smartphone.

1. Go to Google play and download the following apps.

- Google assistance
- Google voice access.

After installing the two apps, proceed to set it up and let Google know your voice and recognise you.

With the setting it means that a strange voice cannot command your smartphone to action but only your voice.

Tips you should know

1. Your phone will not respond to everything you say. You must call your phone to start listening to you. "Hey Google" is the code to call your phone for Android users. This means that if you want to command your phone you must use the code first to wake it up and make it start listening to you. 

2. Upon setting up your smartphone, you need to grant access to your contacts. This means that when you wish to make a call, you just have to say something like "Hey Google" then your phone answers then you say "Call mother" your phone will call your mother if it is saved in your contact. 

3. If you wish to play music, Facebook, WhatsApp, video, youtube, etc. It does not matter the operation you wish to open just say "open then the application name e.g Hey Google. Open Facebook. Or open music player, etc you just have to watch your phone perform the wonders

I have made a video to let you know how everything works. You can watch the video below to understand more.


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