
Showing posts with the label Smartphones

How To Operate Your Android Or IPhone Without Touching It

Hello wonderful readers welcome to this interesting post. I will be teaching you how to control your Android and smartphones without having to touch it. Yeah, without touching it. I know most of you will be wondering how is it possible to do it but i want to tell you that it is possible and many people are already using it. At times you might be very busy and your hands are dirty which will prevent you from either making a call or answering a call or better still may be you want to watch a video, play music but your hands are busy at the moment and you just wondered how you wish you could command your phone without touching it but you do not know how. Without wasting much of your time, i will teach you steps below to felllow in order to operate your phone without touching it. Tools you need for this operation to work. 1. Android phone with 5.0 version and above, Iphone of higher version 2. A working mouthpiece to be used speaking in your phone (Your phone's mouthpiece can do) 3. An

How To Secure Your Email And Facebook Accounts To Avoid Hackers

 In recent years, the rate at which people lose their Facebook Accounts increased geometrically and it's still increasing. Google and Yahoo have also lamented at the rate people complain of losing their accounts to Hackers. Facebook recorded a total number of 580,000 lost accounts to Hackers same with Google and Yahoo email accounts. In this article I will be teaching you how to secure your email and Facebook accounts so that hackers won't be able to hack your account. If you are new here please subscribe to get email notifications of future interesting updates. There are only two parties who know or have access to your Facebook or email accounts, the first is you and second is Facebook or the email company (Google or Yahoo). Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc can never reveal your details to hackers or aide them in hacking your accounts. The only time they can reveal your details to third party is when there is a Court or police order to do so. So it means that we contribute 90% to

Why Is My Blocked Gmail Account Not Sending Or Receiving Emails

Recently, Google introduced an option to block someone on Gmail account. With this you can block a Gmail account that is spamming or threatening you. In this article you will discover the following; 1. Why did Google block your Gmail account 2. How to unblock your Gmail account 3. Will someone that blocked you see your messages? 4. Will you be able to send email to someone that has blocked you?, Etc. If this is your first time of coming here, please consider subscribing to this blog for more updates via email notifications. Let's get down to business. Why did Google block your Gmail account? Recently, the rate of crime increased in the world and especially in Africa. There are so many internet fraud done through Gmail account and Google Hangouts. Almost all the social media sites have block function like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, dating sites and recently Gmail and hangout. Many internet scammers have over the years resorted to using Gmail to p

How To Find Your Husband's Phone Password

Welcome to this wonderful and special update. If you are new please click subscribe to get email notifications of future interesting updates. A lot married ladies have been asking me questions about how to find their husband's phone password. Before I proceed I want to say one or two things. Every husband should consider it that it's their wife's right to know few details about them especially phone password, ATM pin, co signatory to their joint account. This is important because your wife is your second half and if anything happens to you but God forbid, it's your wife that would take care of your children and everything. The same thing applies to wives. Your husbands have the right to know details about you. There are billions of death husband's money in various bank accounts because those husbands failed to let their wife know about their financial life. In the end, banks will eat those money and the wife will be left with nothing. There are so many

How To Download Straight Forward Messages On WhatsApp Status

WhatsApp is unarguably the best messaging app in the world today because of it's simplicity and easy template. On February 2017, WhatsApp introduced it's status feature to allow it's users to send Short messages, videos or upload images for all their contacts to see. WhatsApp status straight forward messages, videos and pictures are disappearing, meaning that they don't last forever. The straight forward messages on WhatsApp status only last for 24hrs, after a day the messages will be deleted automatically and it can't be seen again. However, there are many reasons why one would want to download straight forward messages on WhatsApp status. The reasons are; 1. You love the straight forward WhatsApp message and want to read it again later. 2. Maybe it's the videos or messages you want to download for later usage. Etc Whatever you want, in this article I will be telling you how to download straight forward messages on WhatsApp status and video with

What Will I Do To Restore My WhatsApp Backup From Android And Google

A lot people have been asking me this question, What will I do to restore my WhatsApp Backup From Android And Google account? Hello wonderful people, welcome to this special update. If you are new here consider subscribing to this blog for more updates via email notifications. In this article, I will be telling or teaching you everything you need to do in order to restore your backup WhatsApp. What can trigger WhatsApp Backup restore? There are a lot of things that would make you want to restore your WhatsApp Backup. The common ones are; 1. Lost phone: If you have misplaced your phone or it got stolen, then you purchase a new phone, to open WhatsApp using the same old WhatsApp number, you might want to restore your previous messages, chats and activities you had on the lost WhatsApp. 2. Mistakenly deleted WhatsApp: If you mistakenly uninstalled your WhatsApp, you might want to restore your WhatsApp Backup on the new WhatsApp. Whatever your reasons are, after rea

How To Get Unlimited Monthly Data Subscription

The world today is already a global village courtesy of internet and the internet is powered by Data. What oxygen is to human is what Data is to internet. In fact data is life. Just the way cars can't move without fuel is the same way internet can't work without Data. The rate at which people use the internet is increasing geometrically on daily basis. Without data, one can't use Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, search the internet and without data you can't be reading this Post. In developed countries like America, UK, Canada, etc the government has already subsidized the rate of data but in Africa and developing worlds, the rate of data is very expressive and most times such data finish too quick. Most times a monthly data subscription only last for a week or less. In this article I will be telling you how to make your monthly subscription actually last for a month without being exhausted. This Post is for smartphones users especially Android users. If you

How To Recover A Stolen Or Lost Android Phone For Free

Over the years, Android smartphones have become the best phones in the world because of its wide range of applications. With an Android phone, you can do a whole lots of things and download vast applications. In this article, I will be letting you know how you track and recover your stolen phones. Remember to subscribe to this blog in order to get email updates of more interesting Tech related articles. How to recover a stolen or Lost Android phone without paying a dime. First there are list of 'must have' applications for every Android User. one of such app is 'Google Find my device app' Google find my device is a free app developed by Google for all Android users all over the world to use in tracking and recovering their lost phones without paying any money. Requirements to use the app. 1. you must have an Android phone from Android version 4 upwards. 2. your phone must have Google location services enabled 3. you must install the app from Google p